Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December Music: Day Twenty-Eight

Brie Larson (aka The Clash at Demonhead), "Black Sheep"

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World definitely has its own rhythm -- I spent the first fifteen minutes or so not liking it, before eventually falling in step with it and ending up liking it quite a bit -- but the above scene is hard not to like even if you're not a fan of the movie. (It also works better in the movie than it does on its own, but you'll have to go rent the movie to see what I mean.) The song the girl is singing is actually by the band Metric, and their version is featured on the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack. The first video below is a live performance by Metric at Comic-Con overdubbed with the album recording; the second is the same performance with the live track. (I've been in a Metric sort of mood these past few days.)

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