Thursday, November 3, 2011


"What do I know about love? Well, this may come as a shock, but I was young and pretty once, like you, and equipped with just as many extras. And I was nuts about a guy. I was working for a silent screen actress then, and this guy I was nuts about was our milkman. I'd get a throat full of hard every A.M. when he'd drive up to our back door on Copa Diora in Bel Air, the sound of the milk bottles rattling and little cream bottles jiggling, boy it was something. But he couldn't see me for dust -- it was stardust he saw. He had the pains for the gal I was working for, and she must've liked his brand of cream, because they got married, and he became the producer of all her pictures til the talkies came in...she couldn't speak English, being from Texas, so the first talkie was a flop and he left her. But you know something? To this day, sometimes when I'm asleep, I still hear those little milk bottles rattling and jiggling. So you see, honey, I know something about love -- not much, but a little. So if anyone asks you why I hate milk, you'll know!"

It's a dirty shame Joan Blondell wasn't included in the Battle of the Blondes.

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