Friday, October 14, 2011

The Shallow End of the Pool: Hemingway '23, Superman, and Paul Newman

I'd always thought of Ernest Hemingway as looking like a cross between a Orson Welles and Teddy Roosevelt, but apparently he was, believe it or not, a young man at one time -- and a good-looking one at that. The picture on the left is from 1923, three years before the publication of The Sun Also Rises.

I was going to do a whole post on "People You Didn't Know Were Hot When They Were Younger," but then the only other person I could think of was Charlie Chaplin, so that idea never really got off the ground. What I do have, however, is a bunch of pictures of Paul Newman I've never seen before, plus a photo of Henry Cavill from the set of the new Superman movie, because apparently the producers of that movie realized they needed to slap a beard on him to make me care about yet another superhero movie.


(Cavill pic via here, Newman pics via here)

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