Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October Music: Day Nineteen

Alexi Murdoch, "The Light (Her Hands Were Leaves)"

I saw Alexi Murdoch at the 6th and I Street Synagogue in DC last night, and this is the song where I felt like he found a connection with the audience and the concert became really good. Prior to this song, he was technically amazing, without a single note out of place, but he was also pretty taciturn, the result being that I felt like I was listening to his albums and he just happened to be there live singing them. Ironically, once he started having trouble tuning his guitar, he opened up a lot more to the audience and his performances became more personal and gratifying to watch. I think the reason most people see their favorite artists live is to feel a more personal connection with them and their music, and he was able to provide that in the second half of the concert.

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